Why professionals female bodybuilders need steroids?

Why professionals female bodybuilders need steroids? 
Yes, there is another other side of the coin, and the more popular version by far are the non drug tested shows. It might surprise you to learn that these are the bodybuilders that grace the covers of the muscle magazines (natural bodybuilding has its own magazine as well,

but its readership is negligible when compared to the millions of reader of their drug using counterparts). The bodybuilders you occasionally see on television use steroids, as do the ones that cross over to the film industry- a certain California governor included.

These images of men and women inflated to almost comic book like proportions are what most people think of when they hear the word �bodybuilder�. Sadly for women in general, female drug bodybuilding
Life At This Size Isn't A Walk In The Park!
Why professionals female bodybuilders need steroids? Why professionals female bodybuilders need steroids? Reviewed by Admin on 4:19 AM Rating: 5

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